Tuesday, November 3, 2009

This Scares the Crap out of me!

The following definition was copied and pasted from this web site:


-Begin Quote-

Biological weapon Function: noun Date: 1947

: a harmful biological agent (as a pathogenic microorganism or a neurotoxin) used as a weapon to cause death or disease usually on a large scale.

-End Quote-

For the purpose of making my life easier (because I’m pathetically lazy and want to shorten words, even though I took the time to write this ridiculous disclaimer) I will refer to the above term as bio-weapon. What is a bio-weapon? If you’re asking this question…look above this paragraph; you twit! I took the time (under two minutes) to type in the term in my web browser, clicked on the definition, and I copied and pasted it up there for you to read. Duh!

Bio-weapons come in many forms. According to the Center for Decease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, there are three categories of bio-weapons. I won’t bore you with details, but I can assure you that “Dutch Ovens” aren’t listed under a category of Bio-terrorism. It’s true…they’re not. A Jewish girl I once dated (I’m part German, and you’ll understand my mention in a moment) accused me of anti-Semitic terror because I a-s gassed her. I pulled the blanket over her head and released an S.B.D. (Silent But Deadly) bio-butt attack. Not to worry though. I found no category including rotten egg smelling farts, so all of us immature boyfriends and evil big brothers have nothing to worry about.

In case you’re annoying curiosity wants further information regarding the C.D.C.’s bio-weapon categories, and any relevant facts you should know about, I’ve posted their link. But not until you finish reading this thread because I wrote it and anything I write should be considered more important then anything about the end of the f-cking world, so here’s the link: http://emergency.cdc.gov/bioterrorism/

If you’re still reading this, I love you, and I want you to know that I appreciate my fans; especially if they send me money for nothing, so send cash ‘via’ snail mail to:

For those of you that paused your reading to click on the link and get all distracted, we had tons of fun while you were gone, but now all of the cyber cake is gone, and the exotic dancers and their donkey have left; too bad for you; read on…

There have been an unknown number of unconfirmed tests in which governments have simulated bio-weapon attacks on their soil. One such experiment was conducted in a London, England subway tunnel. A bio-thing-a-ma-jig (probably a cold virus) was released into a crowd and the local hospitals (or some shack they threw up) where monitored for patients admitting themselves regarding the whatever it was they got from the test. All of the simulations by different nations government agencies where pretty much the same. I only have one link to give you to validate this claim, but again, don’t click it until your done reading this thread…because remember…Cogs more important! The link for you backstabbers is:


Think about these tests with me. Some guy in a really cool black suit and a really cool communications ear piece walked into a subway and released a nasty little bug. The commuters, and the local hookers, starving, jobless wine-o’s all got exposed to a bug. They’re traveling to their destinations while this thing is moving through their bodies. What’s the common incubation period for the flu? 3-7 days? How far away and apart could these travelers spread? Maybe one guy takes the train to the airport and flies to New York, and another teaches at Paris, Frances largest high school, and another is the ticket lady at a museum.

Within three days this bug could have spread around the world…twice! If this was a deadly bio-terrorist attack, we’d be in some major cow patties! These tests are conducted to analyze bio-weapon attacks and their results are used to help under-paid government cubicle inmates design response plans that won’t work because people suck, and their selfish, and they’d rather riot when faced with a catastrophe instead of working together! Allow me to contradict myself for a moment; New Yorkers on 9/11…you are [b]all[/b] awesome! All of you worked together that day and I hope the rest of the world learns from your bravery. And…L.A. during the King riots…you suck, and you should be ashamed of yourselves! I’m embarrassed for you!

[Before all of you Lost Angelis folks who rioted start writing me threatening hate mail, learn from your mistakes, and be a better person then me, and send me your money…all of it, and you’ll feel better for yourself for doing it, and I’ll feel better for myself because you did it, and because I can afford the platinum toilet that revs like an engine when flushed]

I support the exercises the governments are conducting to minimize, or prevent bio-weapons casualties, so long as there are zero fatalities. I think it’s a wise move considering the state of affairs in our world, and the ease of technological means required to produce such an arsenal. However, I’m still terrified of the possibility that such an attack could occur. There’s a sick f-ck to build it, and there’s a sick f-ck to use it. I think we should all invest in adult diapers and wear them…vigilantly!

Gas masks are no better then the “Duck and Cover” drills from the 1950’s. We need S.C.B.A.’s (Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses) and Level A/B fully encapsulated suits just to live through said attack. How long will that last? That depends on what you’ve been exposed to, what’s its life span, how does it spread, how much oxygen is in your tank(s), and where are you when the exposure occurred? (i.e.: if you’re in jail…your f-cked!)

What about long term affects? What about a shelter? Can you dig a hole in the ground and wait things out? That depends on whether its air borne, and whether it’s lighter then air. If its heavier then air, your screwed…better to live on that sheet of plywood you nailed up in your parents tree and called a fort! I don’t know if preparation is even possible at this point. There are too many variations to decide upon. Let’s use this thread to discuss:

1) Fears of a biological weapon;

2) Types of bio-weapons;

3) Crazies capable of using these weapons;

4) Survival tips; and

5) What materials we can have available in our Go-Bags to help us tackle this threat.

Now, to all of those loyal readers, click on the links above and learn some stuff so you can return to this thread and discuss it. Also, here’s a helpful link F.Y.I.: http://www.american-gas-masks.com/gas-threat-map.htm

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