Thursday, June 23, 2011

Divination in today's world...

While working in a steel mill I discovered a hardline to God. Please allow me to clarify this as I know how unbelievable this may sound without an explanation.

There is a diesel fueling depot in the mill that has three revolving numerical digits on its pump that register the amount of fuel I've used.

Think of it as my magic eight ball; or as I view hardline communications device with God. I ask a question then spin the dial to recieve an answer.

Here's the legend for how it answers my inquiries:
777 = Yes, a positive reply;
666 = No, a negative reply;
000 = No Answer, will not Answer, or undecided at the time of questioning;
999 = 50% chance of yes and a 50% chance of no;

If the three digits are half way between 777 and 888 it means that something is highly probable.

If the three digits are half way between 777 and 666 it means that though possible, there's a slight chance of failure and/or rejection; but not a 50/50 split percentage as a 777 is more probable.

If the three digits are half way between 666 and 555 it is absolutely negative.

What's fascinating is that regardless of my base number (whether it is 000, 159, or 037) the end result of a spin always generates a 999, 777, 666, or a 000.

The skeptic might argue that I am subconsciously generating the numbers sequenced in the legend above with the amount of torque I use to spin the dial.

I would reply that I've already tested this theory and I end up with the digits in the legend above regardless of the amount of torque I apply.

I would also add that there are many times when I don't have a question that I will recieve a different string of numbers; such as but not limited to 111 or 888.

The skeptic might then resort to calling this practice a fluke or a coincidence and then accuse me of entertaining superstitious beliefs that are lacking in scientific proof.

That would be a good point except that according to theological physics (my theory specifically), God has to
obey the laws (physics) of this existance and therefore must communicate without manipulating this
fundamental programing.

So...I communicate with God and God guides me. Sometimes it isn't what I want to hear but what I need to hear and I always except it.

It is my belief, based on evidence that I have witnessed throughout my life that God does indeed speak to us. It's up to us to listen; accept the answer; and control our personal demons (psychologically speaking) from tampering with the answers and/or advises we recieve.

Note: this divination tool stopped working after I posted this article at and I'm not stating that I lost the metaphysical ability to divinate. I'm saying that the actual tool I used to divinate ceased to function and is currently awaiting repair

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