Thursday, June 23, 2011

A warning when dealing in conspiracy theories

A conspiracy involves two or more people working in agreement with the intent to perpetuate a crime.

A theory is a concept; a fact less answer that is used as the foundation to mount an investigation into a specific subject.

A fact is an undeniable material or conceptual piece of evidence that validates a specific subject.

A conspiracy theory is the belief that two or more people are working together in order to perpetuate a crime.

Look this up anywhere...and it all rings about the same...

This belief initiates an investigation into the theory and if enough factual evidence is collected, the theory is either validated: meaning that a conspiracy exists or if the facts prove the theory defunct the theory is
dismissed all together.

If the investigation fails to produce factual evidence to either validate or to invalidate the theory, the theory remains in place.

YouTube video from:

Once a theory is invalidated and dismissed, a new theory may (and often does) replace it.

Once a theory is validated, and the conspiracy is factual it could be prosecuted. A problem arises due to two barriers that have historically thwarted the prosecution of conspiracies that had been deemed theoretical public opinions:

1) Conspiracy Theories that are investigated in the public sector may have been investigated in such a way that violates the law; such as but not limited to the in-admissibility of evidence due to the method in which
the evidence was obtained; and

2) The Conspirators may have used the art of producing disinformation in order to protect a legally restricted and confidential subject and/or the Conspirators may have used the tool of Discreditation; thus annihilating the character of the investigators which could invalidate the factual evidence the investigator(S) collected.

Conspiracy Theories are entertaining and thought provoking. They are often used as plots in film and in literature, but they are hardly ever given public attention in the media due to their destructive nature.

Consider this hypothetical scenario... a jewelry store is burglarized and it's two owners (partners) closed the store permanently and where seen spending large sums of money around town; more so then they ever had
spent before, and they took a trip together overseas.

The investigating agency sees no proof that these former entrepreneurs partook in the crime, but some local townspeople became suspicious and they developed a conspiracy theory stating that the two owners staged
the burglary in order to receive a large insurance claim, and then sold all of the stolen merchandise while on vacation overseas.

They create such a stir in their community that their local newspaper prints their theory due to public pressure.

The same day that the article is run, the two former jewelry store owners find their characters smeared by the slanderous allegations.

The prosecutor’s office petitions the court for a warrant to arrest the two former entrepreneurs based on theoretical evidence (which I hope doesn't happen in today’s society) and they are charged with a crime.

The local papers cover the entire trial and the defendants prove they had prior arrangements to vacation overseas, and their flagrant spending was due to years of frugal spending and saving, and they still had yet to
receive compensation on their insurance claim. Their bank statement history further proved their financial savings was the money they were spending.

They are found to be innocent and set free, but the damage had already been done and even though the conspiracy theory was not proven, a new theory begins to replace it, and this will continue until the real
perpetrators of the crime are brought to justice, and even then...their may still be a conspiracy theory linking the former jewelry store owners to the crime.

In retrospect, conspiracy theories are toxic to everyone involved, but without them, we may never be able to bring Conspirators to justice.

Everything starts with a theory.


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